Indeed, the human mind will not know and will not be able to explore all the mysteries of the diverse universe that ALLAH has created. ALLAH is The Creator. It is He alone who knows everything that He has created, in the heavens or on the earth, visible or invisible.
I might be told a lot about that insect. But the knowledge gained would certainly be just like a very minute particle of dust, compared with the knowledge that ALLAH has. But, as He has told us, we should not stop from seeking knowledge, so that we continue to uncover His creations and recognize His greatness.
Salam Temuk,
Cantiknya ciptaan Allah ini. Sekali pandang macam pijat. hehheheh.
Temuk, It is a great shot of a rare insects. I think it is one of those beetle but I am not sure. Anyhow thanks for sharing it with us.
How I wished that I get the opportunity to see it at close range and photograph it like you did. Nature always has a great way of showing off itself.
Thanks and do have a nice day.
Tak tahu namanya. Inilah antara kehebatan Allah. Temuk kena tanya orang UPM.
Salam Temuk,
Now on a serious note. But nice shot of a rare creature, Allah's creation. Maybe belongs to the beetle's family, shape of a leaf with two ends bitten off,
Salam Temuk,
I always admire the beauty of nature, the flora & fauna. That cute 'beetle' is really astonishing. Seldom see it nowadays...what more if we do not go out into its habitat. I guessed I learnt about this species way back when I studied in UPM some 30+ yrs ago! But, sorry I can't recall its name anymore! Sad!
Salam, Temuk. Pak Idrus directed me here. The insect you so capably photographed is the nymph of the stink bug. Scientific name: Pycanum rubens. Those are some awesome photos -- so clear and from such good angles!
Salam sdr Zain
Benar, setiap ciptaan Allah itu cantik. Kita saja yg tak tahu atau nampak kecantikan itu. Pijat ye? Jenis besar? Tak pa, kita baca respon kawan-kawan lain. Ceria selalu!
Salam Pak Idrus
Thanks for visiting & for your kind words. Based on your blog entries, I know you love 'benda-benda begitu'. Friends seem to have different views with regard to what exactly the creature is. I wouldn't want to stick to my earlier belief that it is an insect. Have a nice day!
Salam Luahfikiran
Terima kasih singgah. Boleh kita panggil saja dia 'kumbang papan'? Siapa yg arif di universiti penyelidikan tu ye?
Salam Hjh Nora
Thanks for your guess. Beetle = bug = 'kumbang'? Never mind, we'll leave it to the experts. I hope there will be some kind entomologists coming forward to enlighten us on this fine creature. Have a great weekend!
Salam Hjh Zainab
Aa aa, now it looks like you are the best person to give us the correct answer, since you have learned about it! But how can you retrieve your old lecture notes? Anyway, the good news is ~covert_ operations'78~ has actually found us the answer to the problem. Have a nice day, Hjh!
Salam ~covert_ operations'78~,
Thank you for dropping by & for your kind words. And of course for telling us the name of that beautiful creature, Pycanum rubens! After reading your response, I took the opportunity to search for more information about it in the internet. Friends who are interested should refer, among others, Flickr Dadida's Photostream ! Thanks again.
Salam. A lovely insect indeed. You captured the subject very well. really a rare sighting.
Salam DrSam
Thank you. By surfing the internet, now I begin to learn more about Pycanum rubens. It is interesting to know that it also exists in other countries and has quite a different 'paras rupa'! In your kebun/ladang getah, you certainly have encountered with many different types of creatures. Halus & tak halus.... Maaf sangat, just kidding. Have a nice day!
menatang gappo tu? haiwan2 yg pelik gini x ada di Malaysia. kalau pi ke amerika selatan byk la.
Salam sdr Daddy Zuki
Pycanum rubens (stink bug) tu mungkin tak banyak di Malaysia kot. Tapi ntah macamana ada pulak yg tersesat sampai pasu saya di rumah. Melalui rujukan seterusnya, selepas dapat 'hints' dari pemblog ~covert_ operations'78~, jelas hidupan itu ada di negara-negara lain, termasuk USA. Selamat bercuti Ahad.
Salam Abang Temuk,
Mungkin hanya ini serangga yang ada di dunia ini di laman Abang Temuk dengan corak , warna dan saiz yang mungkin telah mengalami mutasi gen. Biarkan ianya hidup....nyawa makhluk sama harganya!
Hebahkannya di National Geografic...boleh jemput pengkaji yang berminat..
Salam Cikgu Humairi
Kalau cikgu lihat Flickr Dadida's Photostream di internet, ada hidupan yg saya blogkan itu yg Dadida paparkan, selain dari puluhan "insects" lain. Menarik & informatif paparannya. Sbb tak pandai sains, saya bingung dgn pengelompokan hidupan kecil kpd insects, bugs, lice, beetles, dll. Semoga ceria selalu!
Salam Bang TEMUK...
cantiknya... warna merah yang sangat lain dr lain...
Salam azieazah
Kot suka tengok wajah2 hidupan kecil (termasuk mcm yg saya paparkan), jgn lupa buka Flickr Dadida's Photostream. Mcm2 warna & rupa gang si kecil2 tu. Menanti cerita cuti azieazah di Johor.
Cantik n cute
Cikgu Aida
Di kawasan baru sekolah cikgu mesti banyak juga yg cantik n cute. Kita tunggu paparan cikgu, menunjukkannya... Salam bahagia.
Salam Cikgu Temuk.
Comel-comel serangga ni. Macam-macam bentuk yea. Teruskan berblogging dan semoga sihat walafiat dan dirahmati Allah swt. InsyaAllah, saya akan menziarah lagi ke sini dengan izin Allah swt.
salam saudara temuk.. harap sihat selalu..aiishhh x pernah tgk mende nih..
Salam Cikgu Roha
Terima kasih. Semoga cikgu juga sihat wal'afiat selalu & berpanjangan mendapat rahmat Allah. Ceria selalu!
Salam Sdr Anak Tumpat
Semoga sdra juga sihat selalu. Luasnya dunia ini, ye. Dan banyaknyalah ciptaan Allah sehingga kita tak mungkin bakal sempat melihat semuanya. Syukurlah sempat lihat segelintir jenis hidupanNya. Ceria selalu!
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