Friday, March 29, 2013


Ada DUN yang sudah dibubar. Kereta-kereta 
orang besar pun dah keluar masuk opis PM. 
Petanda PRU 13 dah amat hampir. 

Hey, my dear CM, how high do you want to go, ha? 
Aiyoyo, enough is enough, la!

Eh,  apa pula cakap main hey, hey ni. Tak ada adab langsung!
Apasal nak cerita politik pula ni? Tak pernah pun cerita gitu dulu-dulu!

Pak Temuk ulangilah juga.
Hey, my dear CM.
Yes, you heard me right. Enough is enough!

Alahai, memang Pak Temuk tak biasa, juga tak pandai, cerita politik.
Tapi Pak Temuk tahu jugalah,  PRU13 dah dekat. Di ambang pintu!

Tapi, tahu jugalah Pak Temuk, CM yang Pak Temuk hey-heykan tu
sebenarnya memang tak ada kena-mengena dengan PRU 13.
Tak ada sangkut menyangkut dengan  CM kat Melaka tu.
Juga tak ada kait mengait dengan yang kat Pulau Pinang.

Ni dia yang dihey, heykan.
CM Pak Temuk. Si Cekur Manis.


Tak mahulah dia naik lagi tinggi, lagi tinggi, lagi tinggi.
Dahlah tu, cukuplah tinggi macam tu!


Alahai, macamlah boleh ditahan-tahan. Macamlah boleh dihey, heykan!

Tapi, memang susahlah nak gapai pucuknya bila nak diperiukkan.
Juga, sayup pula mata tua memandangnya bila menggambar.

Sambil ni Pak Temuk nak pesan pula kepada para daun dan ranting si Paya Kelat ni.

Dia pun tahu PRU 13 dah di depan pintu. Dah masuk gate.
Tapi memang tak ada kena mengena dengan dia.

Namun, nak pesan jugalah pada daun dengan ranting dia.
Usah tunggu kering kontang kat atas tu!

Turunlah ke bawah. Walau rasanya masih gagah.
Walau masih hijau, tapi sebenarnya dah hijau tua. Dah mula menguning.

Turun ke bawah tu bukan maknanya tak berguna. 
Maknanya, tak tunggu orang cantas, kemudian orang biarkan.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Pelan asal, dari busut adunan tu, Temuk nak buat roti Arab.

Tapi bukanlah macam roti Arab gebu yang boleh
dicicah dengan kuah kari, atau disumbat dengan salad sayur tu.

Adunan Temuk pun lain jenisnya. Ni ha, yang kat bawah ni. 

 Dah datang mood. Tengah panas terik trang-tang-tang
pun, buat juga kerja mengadun untuk meroti!

  Tengah seronok-kepanasan meroti, ternampak pula benda ni!

Alahai..... Kesiannya! Mana pemiliknya? Dah berhijrah, rasanya.
Tak ada apa-apa pun dalamnya. Memang dah lama ditinggalkan ni.

Eh, mana nak tahu, satu hari nanti entah-entah tuannya balik.
Kalau rosak, susahlah dia. Nak kena buat rumah baru pula.

Takkan Pak Najib nak bagi dia mohon rumah Projek PR1MA!

Tak mengapalah. Tukar pelan buat roti Arab. Tukar kepada
roti Arab bertocang. Biar rumah terbiar tu duduk dalam tocang.

 Bila roti Arab bertocang keluarkan pucuk-pucuk merahnya
nanti, insyaAllah cantiklah rupa roti Temuk tu.
Juga persekitaran rumah si dia, yang entah siapa, entah di mana.

(Nota: Ada dua lagi Kelat Paya di tepi tingkap Temuk.
Mungkin yang tu nanti, dua-dua boleh jadi roti Arab 100%).

Monday, March 18, 2013


About 3 months after applying the herbicide onto its 
skinned trunk, this robust kepompong tree, as my late 
mother used to call it, finally gave in. 

Our beloved Kepompong, still young.
When I went back to my kampung recently,  I noticed that although 
the dead tree was still standing, looking strong and mystic, some of its branches 
were already beginning to decay, falling down to the ground, and 
slowly but steadily turning into tasty nutrients for the other plants around it.

Medusa and her "tentacles".

When the kepompong tree was still young, I had actually given it 
a very special name,  "Medusa". Its branches  had
always reminded me then of the vicious serpents found on
Medusa's head,  as told in the old Greek mythology. 

Growing healthily between my mother's and sister's houses,  
the kepompong tree @ Medusa was dearly loved  by us all. Not only did 
it provide us with good shade, but it was also a heaven for 
many different kinds of birds, squirrels and bees. They too were very fond
of the tree, a truly multipurpose big green umbrella for them.

My sister's house, now unoccupied
My late mother's house, now unoccupied too.
 After my dear mother passed away about four years ago, my eldest 
sister moved into a smaller house about 100 meters away from her old house, 
now very much closer to the main road and my other sister's house. 
The area around my sister's abandoned house and the kepompong tree 
then became a popular play ground for wild pigs. These pigs had 
also turned the uninhabited surrounding area into an
area where they could look for worms as food.  Their "worm harvesting" 
and "recreational" activities there had made the ground really messy.

My eldest sister's new "banglo kampung", hihihi.

I then thought that my sister should see less of those wild pigs, and no more
kepompong that had been providing them with such a comfortable
living environment. So I made the decision to get rid of the tree to make
its surrounding area less attractive to the animals, but more attractive to us.
Pak Temuk and his eldest sister

I found it rather strange that the wild pigs didn't seem to
develop any liking to "excavate" the ground around the row of kelat paya 
trees that I had planted close to the kepompong tree for worms. Otherwise,
those lovely barisan kelat paya, like Medusa,  would have to go too.

Maaf ya Medusa, kerana membuangmu.  Juga maaf ya para burung, para tupai, 
para lebah, dan juga makhluk-makhluk kecil lainnya, kerana kupupuskan Medusa.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Walaupun kacang tanah dengan isi jagung belum sempat dicari,
awal-awal pagi kelmarin, Pak Temuk blend juga bahan-bahan asas yang ada.
Dapatlah adunan macam di bawah ni.  Kononnya adunan apam baliklah ni.
(Gambar diambil selepas adunan dah hampir habis. Di tepinya tu, majerin lembut).

 Mengapa tak sabar-sabar ke dapur kali ni?

Pasal memang dah lama mengidam nak gunakan benda tembaga kat
bawah ni. Tersorok berpuluh tahun. Ingat menyimpannya,
tapi tak ingat di mana. Dan memang tak dicari dengan serius.

Kalau ada kacang tanah bertumbuk atau isi jagung, memang eloklah
dijadikan penyeri apam balik ni. Alahai, nampak "boloih", takdak aksesori!

Tak pa. Taboq majerin sama gula. Biaq  maneh. Asai tak sampei maneh meleceh!

Baru sekali digunakan acuan apam balik ni. Tapi nampaknya lekang elok.

Percubaan pertama, cubalah buat apam balik macam-macam saiz.


 Rupa-rupanya kalau kecil saiznya, tak nampak macam apam balik. Yang lebih macam 
apam balik kat bawah ni. Sudah tentu yang ni khas untuk tukang masaknya.

Kata panduan dalam internet yang dirujuk, ramuan + cara yang
disalin tu memanguntuk penyediaan apam balik. Tapi, bila dibuat,
kenapa pula rasanya macam rasa pancake?

Tapi, apam balik tu kan pancake, tak?

Thursday, March 7, 2013


When I lifted this particular branch of my lemon  tree this 
morning,  I was surprised to see this young fruit, as big as my toe.

Subhanallah. I knew then that my lemon tree had started fruiting!
But, then, there was another surprise. I was puzzled, why was the fruit green?

When I bought the lemon seedling  at one of the MAHA 
stalls two years ago, I was told that it was yellow lemon.

I was of course expecting to get lemons with "golden" color, like below. 

Source: YAHOO Search.
"Never mind, let me wait till the fruit matures, insyaAllah. It might turn yellow, then."

What if it remains green? Certainly I'd still say "Thank you, Allah!"

Although,  I guess, I would also be wondering whether the person
who sold me the seedling was color blind or "tree blind". 

Or he might have forgotten to tell me the truth about the seedling.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Around 7pm yesterday, these two crows
(probably husband and wife)
were seen flying home over my compound.

These two, on the other hand, seemed to be taking 
their sweet time hovering around my neighbor's roof. They
might be telling something to their dear friend who happened
to be resting on the anti-lightning rod.

This fellow didn't seem to worry much about
being together with the rest of his flock. He needed more privacy, may be.

Many, however,  seemed to believe in the importance
of sticking together. And probably felt that a trip home would
certainly be merrier by flying in a group.
You might want to share with the other readers about
these black birds: their habits, likes and dislikes, for instance.
Or you might know if their presence has positive or negative
consequences on our environment.