The bread fruit or sukun is normally cut into thin slices and fried. But, what do you do with the fruit when it is ripe? Some of you might have tried this before, or have in fact done it often - turning it into bread fruit fritter or cekodok sukun. (By the way, can you call cekodok fritter?)
When a sukun fruit is ripe, its flesh will be soft and aromatic. Cut the fruit into two halves. Then, discard the hempulur that looks like a hairy sausage in the middle. It can be pulled out easily, but not when the fruit is still green. You must make sure that your sukun has not gone bad.
Then, scoop out the soft flesh as much as you need. An equal amount of wheat flour, a pinch of salt, and a little amount of sugar, will then have to be gently mixed with the sukun flesh. That's your fritter mash, ready to be fried!

The result of my second attempt, making the cekodok sukun recently, was more satisfying. I think it was because I added a little bit of sodium bicarbonate into the fritter mixture. That made my cekodok sukun taste a bit like the American do-nut! The little sugar added into the mash must have also made the cekodok tastier.
Frankly, I have never heard or thought about cekodok sukun before. The first time I made it, it was because I didn't want to throw away the sukun that my neighbour gave me, which I should have fried much earlier, when it was still green! And I was also quite curious whether ripe sukun could be used to make cekodok, just like ripe bananas.
Some of you might have tried preparing lots of other stuff using ripe sukun. But some, probably, might not have even seen or tasted the sukun fruit!
Salam Temuk
Sedapnya! Apa x jemput ke rumah? Lain kali bagitau!
salam temuk
saya x berapa selera ngan cekeduk sukun ni tapi kalau goreng begitu sahaja memang menyelerakan
nampak seperti cekodok besa..saya belum pernah menikmatinya..Sukun goreng tu memang sedap!
Cekodok sukun? tak pernah rasa lagi. Tapi goreng sukun adalah, sedap. lebih-lebih kalau dicicah dengan sambal tumis ikan bilis dan lawan dengan air kopi panas. Pos laju cekodok sukun ke BC boleh? Happy cooking!
Temuk,Sukun is bread fruit in English. One fruits that is nutritious and tasty as a fry or cekodok.
It it one fruit that has commercial potential but I just do not understand why the authority did not take this wonderful fruit to another dimension and exploit its commercial benefit by going big on this fruits. Even in Malaysia it is difficult to get this fruit like we do with banana.
It should be promoted professionally and I believe it would be a good export produce, as well as for local consumption. Remember that this fruit could be turn into flour, chips and other fast foods for world consumption.
Have a nice day and Take care.
Salam Ayah Zain
Pasal makanan ni kadangkala memang kita mengambil masa utk menyukainya. Ada kalnya sampai bila pun kita tak menyukai sesuatu makanan. Ada pula yg kita suka, tapi kemudiannya kita tak mahu menyentuhnya lagi. Saya agak, pemerosesan sukun masak utk sesuatu jenis makanan memang masih dirasakan 'pelik' di kalangan sesetengah orang, sebab kita dah biasa menggunakan buah itu semasa hijau.
Salam Cikgu Humairi
Yg menarik tu, apa juga jenis cekodok (cekodok pisang, bawang, tepung, jagung dll) rupanya lebihkurang sama. You might want to try that cekodok sukun. And see if you develop any liking towards it. Mudah ke dapat sukun di tempat cikgu? Saya pun gemar sukun goreng, tapi yg masih panas. Ceria selalu!
Salam Dato' Luahfikiran
Pernah rasa ke? Saya agak mesti belum! Saya pun baru 2 kali. Pun buat sendiri. Mana ada orang menjualnya di mana-mana! Lain kali kot tak jemput ke rumah utk nikmati jemput-jemput sukun, bolehlah dibungkuskan.
Salam Hjh Nora
Ha, tu lah. Hjh ni 'terselalu' buat cekodok udang geragau. Kena ada variasi, nampaknya, dan mencuba cekodok sukun pula.I think it will be perfect, if eaten with sambal tumis bilis. Tapi kot taste bud reject, takpa la. Boleh poslajukan ke BC, tapi takut masa sampai dah bukan cekodok. Hehehe. Happy cooking to you too.
salam pak Temuk
Terima kerana kongsi idea ..saya pernah dengar mak mentua buat cekodok ni tapi tak pernah rasa but the way you describe ni buat air liur memeleh laa...
nanti kalau jumpa sukun..akan saya cuba buat...
besa makan yang goreng sekeping tu je, bule buat cekodok juga yea
Salam Pak Idrus
I think sukun (bread) fruit is great for making chips (kerepek). Our kampung people should look at sukun chip making as an alternative/additional income-generating activity. Banana, tapioca, sweet potato & even yam chips are very well received locally, and I have seen local companies producing tapioca chips with different flavours which are nicely-packed in pringles-like cartons, for export. Why not add kerepek sukun to the export items? MARDI and MOA can probably help to conduct feasiblity studies on the economic, techical & agronomic aspects of sukun growing & chip production. Or may be they have done that? Have a nice day, Pak Idrus.
Salam Pn Ezza
Seronok rasanya dengar ada orang lain buat cekodok sukun ni. Mungkin ibu mertua Pn Ezza punyai resepi khusus yg lebih enak hasilnya. Saya suka melihat adunan isi sukun dengan tepung yg kelihatan padat & mantap. Selamat mencuba!
Salam cemomoi
Bila baca literatur mengenai sukun, saya dapati buah ini memang dijadikan bahan makanan yg amat bermacam-macam jenisnya, di pelbagai tempat termasuk di Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Republik Dominican & Mexico. Nampaknya buah ini amat versatil sekali. Saya yakin di mana-mana pun orang suka gorengan buah ini. Di Medan saya pernah makan sukun goreng. Juga di Mexico (+- 30 th dulu). Di sana, direbus & orang Mexico di kampung-kampung merebus campuran pelbagai jenis kekacang yg kemudiannya mereka tumbuk lumat utk makanan harian. Semoga ceria selalu!
Mak saya pernah buat cekodok sukun ni memang sedap. Tapi kalau dibuat kerepek memang kegemaran saya.
Pn Aidah
Berasas respon pn & yg lainnya, rasanya memang ramai juga orang (juga tempat) yg buat cekodok sukun. Pasal kerepek sukun pula, saya jangka, kalau ada yang mengusahakannya, mereka akan beroleh banyak laba. Salam ceria.
Salam. Your cekodok sukun looks yummy, my husband's favourite. Do you know that you can also make a dessert out of it, with gula melaka and all.
salam Temuk,
wonderful! pandai temuk mengolahkan sukun tu menjadikan ia cekodok! i have never tasted that before. sukun goreng saya suka. kadang2 saya buat sira sukun, rasa manislah sikit..may be you don't like it.
Salam Pn Siti Roffini
Terima kasih. Oh, lagi yakinlah saya, ramai orang dah biasa dgn cekodok sukun ni. Mengapalah saya baru tahu, dan belajar sendiri? Dessert yg biasa saya buat gunakan sukun ialah serawa/pengat. Guna gula pasir + susu segar. Nanti nak cuba guna gula melaka. Semoga ceria selalu!
Salam bahagia Pn. Hjh Zainab,
Terima kasih. Sebenarnya melalui respon pembaca, baru saya sedar sekarang, dah lama orang sana-sini buat cekodok sukun! Mengapalah sekarang baru saya tahu & nak cuba sendiri? Tak apalah. Hehehe. Nampaknya hjh kena cuba buat cekodok tu dgn resepi yg lebih canggih. Saya tak pasti sira sukun itu yg mana. Adakah sama dgn pengat/serawa? Kalau itu biasa saya buat. Tapi, apa pun, sebab bergula & manis, pasti sira sukun itu enak utk pencuci mulut. Have a nice day!
Cikgu, saya memang suka cok kodok sukun. Masalahnya, susah nak dapat. Satu lagi kueh yang saya paling suka dari kecil hingga sekarang ialah cok kodok pisang. Letaklah kueh lain-lain..cok kodok tetap diberi keutamaan.
Salam Mej. Nor Ibrahim
Setahu saya di kawasan agak banyak sukun spt Sabak Bernam/Sekinchan (Selangor) pun mereka tak biasa buat atau makan cekodok sukun. Banyak dijual buah sukun hijau atau sukun goreng sahaja. Saya pun peminat segala macam cekodok. Kot dgn kopi, tak sedar habis (biasanya cekodok pisang) sepinggan.
Salam. Never had this cekodok before. The idea sounds very good and the taste must be even better.
Salam DrSam
Now that many have said it's nice, then it must be nice. I must say its taste is quite unique. Why don't you give it a try? I always feel that I've been so tied up with eating the same kind of food again & again. There are so many types of vegetables, for example, which we find in the supermarket that I've not tried. Ceria selalu!
Salam Sejahtera Pak Temuk,
I just had fried sukun a couple of weeks ago. The sukun I bought here was imported from Chile. It was really delicious. Perhaps next time I will keep the sukun until it turns soft and make some fritters.
I wrote about it in my other blog, Smoke In My Kitchen.
Salam bahagia AnaSalwa,
Dengan ribuan maaf terlebih dahulu, adakah betul nama yg saya gunakan itu? I enjoyed very much looking at the beautiful pictures of those healthy tulips and yummy fried Chilean bread fruit that you had posted on your blogs. I wonder whether Chilean and Malaysian sukuns taste the same. I think they do! In Boston, how much do you have to pay for one fruit? In Sabak Bernam (Selangor), it's usually sold at RM2.50-RM3/kilogram, approximately RM4-RM6/fruit.
Yes, I think you should try making the cekodok sukun and see whether the taste is ok with you. (By the way, your 'cucur jagung' looks very enticing indeed!). Look forward to reading your other entries. Have a nice day!
Salam en. Temuk, salam ziarah dn salam kenal. Saya blm pernah makan atau merasa cekodok yg dibuat drp sukun ni. Mkn sukun goreng tu biasa la. Entri mgenai sukun ni ada dlm blog saya, Dedaun Alam. Sy dh follow blog en. Temuk ni.
Salam Sdr AdryDaud
Silakan. Terima kasih sudi ziarah. Sila panggil saya Temuk sahaja. Blog sdr Dedaun Alam memang informatif. Nanti saya cuba lihat entri sdr mengenai sukun tu. Yg menarik, ramai juga yg belum pernah dengar atau makan cekodok sukun. Mungkin sdr akan berkesempatan memakannya satu hari nanti.
woww! resipi baru nih. Kena try.
Salam azieazah
Cubalah. Nanti beri penilaian mengenai rasa cok kodok tu dlm entri azie. Saya tengah cari dlm internet, apa dia SATA yg azie tayang kat entri baru tu. Belum pernah jumpa, apa lagi rasa.
I think we can call 'cekodok' nuggets. Sesuai tak?
Your entry reminds me of my uni days. I was studying in UPM, so we get sukun supply for freeeeeeeee... Just wait at the Bukit Expo or bring a 'pengait' along. There are many sukun trees planted there. We usually made sukun fritters, tak pernah pulak terpikir nak buat cekodok. Mesti lazat, kan?
Hi D.N.A.S,
Thanks for dropping by. Dewan Bahasa Dict. defines nugget as sebungkah, segumpal & seketul. So, you are quite right to say that nugget is the equivalent for cekodok. Some people, however, might prefer to retain the word cekodok, because it's unique to our culture. So, they'll say bread fruit cekodok, banana cekodok, etc. Its like saying sosej ayam or burger lembu. We don't translate sausage/burger into Malay because these food items were not originally part of our culture.
So, you had that rare opportunity of tasting the UPM sukun, ha? Great! I know the late Cikgu/Pak Rashid, the Kolej Pertanian Malaya & Univ. Pertanian Malaysia Farm Director. He was a very strict but terribly hardworking person. He used to tell the students, 'Kat sini ada macam-macam buah. Kot tak curi bodoh. Kot kena tangkap, dua kali bodoh!' I really admire this man for what he had done to KPM & UPM Farm. Salam bahagia.
Assalamualaikum Cikgu,
Sekiranya ada masa terluang, lihatlah gambar cekodok sukun yang baru saya poskan. Terliur kut...!
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