Sunday, September 22, 2013


It never crossed our mind that these people would come over to our place for raya. The least expected, but they certainly were "welcome guests".

The big bikers, friends of Muhammad Jorge, my son-in-law, came roaring.... and after a brief stay, left.... vrooooming. Raya vroooom! They decided to see Bangi and pay us a visit after a morning trip to Genting.


My niece, Ani, befriended Ian and his wife while studying for her first degree in Australia many, many years ago. While they and their two children were here for raya, Ani gave them a really fun (and tiring!) time by asking them to tag along behind her, visiting kampung and bandar relatives in Perak, Melaka, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.


Ian and his wife showed great interest in all the plants grown in my compound. I was surprised that they also had many similar plants in their garden in Darwin.

Our recent raya was also made more colorful by the boot-camp group visit to our house. This boot-camp bunch consisted of sweet and cheerful anak-anak muda who are friends of my daughter, Afiza. They came over after doing their 'keep-fit' activities.... somewhere. Afiza gave us a one-day notice of their coming. So, the visit wasn't totally unexpected. Alhamdulillah, we managed to prepare sikit-sikit makan basah for them, instead of just kuih kering.

We also like to cherish the raya visit by a group of Singaporeans, consisting of affines of my wife's niece, Am. They were around, visiting their relatives in Negeri Sembilan and took the opportunity to join Am's family to our place.

Syawal 1434 is long gone. But we thought the unexpected ziarah raya by these lovely people should be documented.


ahmad humairi said...

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Beberapa kejadian raya yang memang dah diduga - Soronok dan Meriah. Puas walau memenatkan!

.....kini Panggilan Haji pula!!!
Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Korban, maaf zahir dan batin sekali lagi!

Temuk said...

Wa'alaikumussalam Cikgu Humairi,
Ya, lajunya masa. Tak lama lagi, raya haji pula kita. Selamat menyambutnya, maaf zahir batin.

Hjh Noralenna Abbas said...

Murah rezeki kalau ramai tetamu singgah ke rumah.

suka suka said...

assalam Pak Temuk... really a bunch of happines for you and your family this raya .. memang patut dokumenkan momen ni!

Umm AA said...

salam pak temuk,
lama tak bersiaran.dok tertanya2 jgk apa khabarnya pak temuk nie senyap jer..
alhamdulillahseronok beraya yer..ramai nampaknya tetamu2 daripelbagai golonganyer..mesti meriahkan raya pak temuk katsana..:)

sudipVSsenduk said...

Tetamu datang membawa rezeki kpd tuan rumah... gembira dapat, pahala apatah lagi :)

dear anies said...

bsr motor bsr rezeki nyer ye pak... ;-)

Temuk said...

InsyaAllah. Mudah-mudahan.

Temuk said...

Wa'alaikumussalam suka-suka.Ada yg menuntut.... mana gambar kami tu hari...? Hati memang seronok hendak memaparkannya + bercerita. Tapi waktu jadi pengekang.

Temuk said...

Wa'alaikumussalam. Wah, wah...dah kelihatan bertambah besar yang didukung tu. Semoga dia sihat sentiasa.

Memang lama tak bersiaran. Entah sibuk apa. Sampaikan cerita raya pun, dah habis Syawal baru ditayang! InsyaAllah, nak cuba aktif balik.

Temuk said...

Mudah-mudahan ada rahmatnya..... Kedatangan tetamu sememangnya menggembirakan kita. Kalau mereka tak datang, mungkin tak ketemu kerana kita sendiri pun sudah agak terbatas kemampuan menziarahi orang.

Temuk said...

Khai♥Rin : anies
Hihi.... saiz rezeki ikut saiz motor ya, anies? Lain kali Pak Temuk minta tetamu datang naik bas.... Tapi nak parking kat mana pula? Yg Pak Temuk agak pasti, yg bermotor besar tu memang besar rezeki bulanannya. Sebab ada yang motornya bernilai 2 biji Proton Suprima yg baru tu.....